Burn Gym


5 of the Best Exercises for New Mums

21 September 2016

Is picking up your growing baby the only form of strength training you do? Try these body weight exercises for new mums to help you tone up troublesome areas, all in the comfort of your living room. BRIDGE Targets: legs, bottom, core, pelvic floo

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The Benefits of Yoga

11 July 2016

Yoga is not about trying to force your body into a pretzel like position, it’s about creating a healthy lifestyle. The postures give you the tools to prepare yourself physically and mentally for your daily life. The practice allows particip

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Your New Healthy Commute

11 July 2016

For Indian, the average daily commute totals 1 hour and 38 minutes. But, while we travel our lives away, what affect is heavy traffic, pollution, and packed-out trains having on our well being? According to a report, not only do commuters suf

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Your Treadmill Workout

15 April 2016

The treadmill, it’s that piece of equipment many of us dread, yet we find our way back to it, time and time again. Minutes can feel like hours, as you slog your way through a 45 minute run, watching the clock in the hope it will magic

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Exercise Your Way to Productivity

15 April 2016

We all know the impact that regular exercise can have on the body, but aside from the physical changes, there's another huge benefit that shouldn't be overlooked. If you're prone to the dreaded 3pm slump, find yourself easily distracted, or are

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